Looking to hire your next data expert?

We specialise in the recruitment of high calibre Data and Analytics professionals – matching them based on their technical and personal skills to the right organisation.

We are the experts in Data Recruitment

Are you struggling to find the right data and analytics professionals to harness the power of your growing data? The lack of skilled talent in Big Data, AI and Machine Learning can put your business at risk of falling behind.

At TechDojo, our specialised recruitment services and strong network of candidates and clients, combined with our deep understanding of the complexities in data and analytics recruitment, sets us apart. We have a unique ability to quickly find talent from a pool of highly skilled data experts, which is why businesses continue to work with us for roles such as:

  • Data Engineer / Architect 
  • Data Analyst 
  • Solution Architect 
  • Data Scientist 
  • AI & Machine Learning 

  • Business Intelligence (BI) Developers
  • Data Warehousing Specialist
  • Data Visualisation

Our partners say it best

Mat Nuckowski
Co-Founder Manager @ Avid Health

"Apprentices from TechDojo are real self-starters! The Learn-by-Doing methodology helps them develop their autonomy, figure out things themselves and deliver value, rather than waiting for others to tell them what to do."
Husain Al-Badry
Associate Director Growth and Innovation @ Datacom

"TechDojo trains its Apprentices to think in terms of business outcomes, not technical features only. The Apprentices we hired demonstrated a strong ability to adapt, learn and grow, both personally and professionally."
Gabriel Jungberg
Test Manager @ FosterMoore

"Apprentices from TechDojo pick up new technologies and frameworks quickly. Our developers were surprised by what TechDojo Apprentices learned in a limited time in comparison to traditional education, and by how effectively they integrated into our team."

Don't know where to start?

Download our free report to learn how to assemble your dream data team today.

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Acquire the Talent you need
and create more impact
by partnering with TechDojo.

TechDojo is designed to bring diverse talent into the industry. We train and coach career changers, Tech migrants and individuals from underrepresented backgrounds in Tech (e.g. women, Maori and Pasifika...). 

By partnering with TechDojo, you will:
  • Access a strong pool of Digital talent
  • Diversify your workforce and promote inclusion within your organisation
  • Support TechDojo's mission to foster Economic Growth in the Digital Era through Quality Education.

More than a new partnership. 

Join a supportive community.
